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I am here to share what goes on in this noggin of mine & hope that you find something I say interesting along the way. I'm a singer who loves & adores music. I'm also an esthetician with a passion for helping people achieve great skin. I love to create jewelry & paintings, among many other things. Overall I'm a pretty cool chica!! So stay a while ;o)

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Monday, September 8, 2008

Change Starts with You!

I was doing some self-evaluation and realized that for everything that's not right or that I don't like about me, is because of me. If you're lacking anything or feel things could and should be better, it's because you haven't done enough or need to change something. Change comes from within, and you have to make them. Whether it means going back to school, losing weight or learning to be happy with yourself. You cannot wait around for someone to make the first move because you'll be waiting a long time. I don't think I have to say much more about this subject except... Change starts with YOU!!

~Jeanine Alex